The focus of the new Stadsmuseum is Lier and the people of Lier. The museum seeks to provide a broad perspective of the city and aims to be integrated somehow into the lives of Lier's citizens. Hence the decision to build the museum together with the people of Lier.
This inclusive process was launched in 2015, when the city distributed postcards asking the question: 'What are the typical features of Lier as far as you are concerned? ‘ The 1,000-plus answers form the basis for the museum's theme-specific structure. Thirty Lier citizens set to work fine-tuning the themes and offering suggestions for objects and stories. The outcome is the development of the Municipal Museum.
The Lier Municipal Museum is continuing to call on the people of Lier to help provide tangible forms of subject matter. Together with clubs, associations, neighbourhoods, other groups or people, we are setting off to investigate their heritage: objects, stories, traditions. The outcome of the process is invariably assigned a place in the museum so that it remains a work in progress. Small and large changeover exhibitions continue to offer us different perspectives on the city.